IP core variants generated with a different version or edition of the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software may require upgrading before use in the current version or edition of the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software. Click Project > Upgrade IP Components to identify and upgrade IP core variants.
The Upgrade IP Components dialog box provides instructions when IP upgrade is required, optional, or unsupported for specific IP cores in your design. You must upgrade IP cores that require it before you can compile the IP variation in the current version of the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software. Many Altera IP cores support automatic upgrade. The upgrade process renames and preserves the existing variation file (.v, .sv, or .vhd) as <my_variant>_BAK.v, .sv, .vhd in the project directory.
You can target the latest device families with IP originally generated for a different device after migration. Some Altera IP cores require individual migration to upgrade. The Upgrade IP Components dialog box prompts you to double-click and regenerate IP cores that require individual migration.