Allows you to specify the type of assignments that are imported,
using one of the following options:
- Instance assignments from a
lower-level entity— Specifies that multiple
instances of an entity are imported, with a sequential designator
(inst1, inst2) added to the string following the
-to option of the set_instance_assignment
command to distinguish instances. For example, the assignment
-to A could become -to ent:inst1|A as a
result of importing.
- Entity assignments from a
lower-level entity (including IP cores)—
Specifies that only a single instance of an entity be imported. The
designator -entity is added to the assignment so that the
assignment is applied to all instances of that entity.
- Global assignments from another
project— Specifies that global,
project-level, assignments are imported from another project.
Each of the above choices presets a selection of recommended
assignment types and import options elsewhere in the dialog box.
You are free to change the preset selections if necessary.