Board Trace Model Window (View Menu)

For supported device(CycloneIII and StratixIII) families, you open this window by right-clicking output or bidirectional pins with the same I/O standard in the Groups list, All Pins list, or the Pin Planner device view, and then clicking Board Trace Model.

The Board Trace Model window provides a graphical representation of the board trace model assignments used in Advanced I/O Timing assignments for individual pins in the design. You can edit any of the board trace model assignments in this window.

The Board Trace Model window displays the following information for each pin or group of pins selected:

For differential I/O standards, the Board Trace Model window displays the differential pin pair with two symmetrical board trace models. You specify board trace parameters on the positive end of the differential pin pair and the specified parameters are applied to the corresponding value on the negative end of the differential pin pair. Board trace model assignments that are made directly to the negative end are ignored.