Host Channel 13 Characteristics Register
Module Instance Base Address Register Address
i_usbotg_0_DWC_otg_intreg 0xFFB00000 0xFFB006A0
i_usbotg_1_DWC_otg_intreg 0xFFB40000 0xFFB406A0

Size: 32

Offset: 0x6A0

Access: RW

Important: The value of a reserved bit must be maintained in software. When you modify registers containing reserved bit fields, you must use a read-modify-write operation to preserve state and prevent indeterminate system behavior.
Bit Fields
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RO 0x0

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0


RW 0x0

HCCHAR13 Fields

Bit Name Description Access Reset
31 ChEna
Channel Enable (ChEna)
When Scatter/Gather mode is enabled 
1'b0: Indicates that the descriptor structure is not yet ready. 
1'b1:  Indicates  that  the  descriptor  structure  and  data  buffer  with 
data is setup and this channel can access the descriptor. 
When Scatter/Gather mode is disabled 
This field is set by the application and cleared by the OTG host.  
1'b0: Channel disabled  
1'b1: Channel enabled
Value Description
0x0 If Scatter/Gather mode is enabled, indicates that the descriptor structure is not yet ready. If Scatter/Gather mode is disabled, indicates that the channel is disabled.
0x1 If Scatter/Gather mode is enabled, indicates that the descriptor structure and data buffer with data is set up and this channel can access the descriptor. If Scatter/Gather mode is disabled, indicates that the channel is enabled.
RW 0x0
30 ChDis
Channel Disable (ChDis)
The application sets this bit to stop transmitting/receiving data
on a channel, even before the transfer For that channel is
complete. The application must wait For the Channel Disabled
interrupt before treating the channel as disabled.
Value Description
0x0 Transmit/Recieve normal
0x1 Stop transmitting/receiving data on channel
RW 0x0
29 OddFrm
Odd Frame (OddFrm)
This field is set (reset) by the application to indicate that the OTG host must perform 
a transfer in an odd (micro)frame. This field is applicable for only periodic 
(isochronous and interrupt) transactions.
    1'b0: Even (micro)frame
    1'b1: Odd (micro)frame
Value Description
0x0 Even Frame Transfer
0x1 Odd Frame Transfer
RW 0x0
28:22 DevAddr
Device Address (DevAddr)
This field selects the specific device serving as the data source
or sink.
RW 0x0
21:20 EC
Multi Count (MC) / Error Count (EC)
When the Split Enable bit of the Host Channel-n Split Control
register (HCSPLTn.SpltEna) is reset (1'b0), this field indicates to
the host the number of transactions that must be executed per
microframe For this periodic endpoint. For non periodic transfers,
this field is used only in DMA mode, and specifies the number
packets to be fetched For this channel before the internal DMA
engine changes arbitration.
 2'b00: Reserved This field yields undefined results.
 2'b01: 1 transaction
 2'b10: 2 transactions to be issued for this endpoint per
 2'b11: 3 transactions to be issued for this endpoint per
When HCSPLTn.SpltEna is Set (1'b1), this field indicates the
number of immediate retries to be performed For a periodic split
transactions on transaction errors. This field must be Set to at
least 2'b01.
Value Description
0x0 Reserved. This field yields undefined result
0x1 1 transaction
0x2 2 transactions to be issued for this endpoint per microframe
0x3 3 transactions to be issued for this endpoint per microframe
RW 0x0
19:18 EPType
Endpoint Type (EPType)
Indicates the transfer type selected.
 2'b00: Control
 2'b01: Isochronous
 2'b10: Bulk
 2'b11: Interrupt
Value Description
0x0 Control
0x1 Isochronous
0x2 Bulk
0x3 Interrupt
RW 0x0
17 LSpdDev
Low-Speed Device (LSpdDev)
This field is Set by the application to indicate that this channel is
communicating to a low-speed device.
Value Description
0x0 Not Communicating with low speed device
0x1 Communicating with low speed device
RW 0x0
RO 0x0
15 EPDir
Endpoint Direction (EPDir)
Indicates whether the transaction is IN or OUT.
 1'b0: OUT
 1'b1: IN
Value Description
0x0 OUT Direction
0x1 IN Direction
RW 0x0
14:11 EPNum
Endpoint Number (EPNum)
Indicates the endpoint number on the device serving as the data
source or sink.
Value Description
0xa End point 10
0xb End point 11
0xc End point 12
0xd End point 13
0xe End point 14
0xf End point 15
0x0 End point 0
0x1 End point 1
0x2 End point 2
0x3 End point 3
0x4 End point 4
0x5 End point 5
0x6 End point 6
0x7 End point 7
0x8 End point 8
0x9 End point 9
RW 0x0
10:0 MPS
Maximum Packet Size (MPS)
Indicates the maximum packet size of the associated endpoint.
RW 0x0