GIC_VCPUifVM Address Map

Memory map for the GIC virtual CPU interface. Contains all registers with the GICV prefix. Note: This provides access to the virtual CPU interface for the current CPU. It is expected that software will use the translation tables to make this block accessible to the virtual machine in the address space normall used for the (physical) CPU interface. For details of these registers, please refer to the Arm® CoreLink™ GIC-400 Generic Interrupt Controller Technical Reference Manual.
Module Instance Base Address End Address
i_gic_wrapper_VCPUifVM 0xFFFC6000 0xFFFC7FFF
Register Offset Width Access Reset Value Description
GICV_CTLR 0x0 32 RW 0x00000000
Virtual Machine Control Register
GICV_PMR 0x4 32 RW 0x00000000
VM Priority Mask Register
GICV_BPR 0x8 32 RW 0x00000002
VM Binary Point Register
GICV_IAR 0xC 32 RO 0x000003FF
VM Interrupt Acknowledge Register
GICV_EOIR 0x10 32 WO 0x0
VM End of Interrupt Register
GICV_RPR 0x14 32 RO 0x000000FF
VM Running Priority Register
GICV_HPPIR 0x18 32 RO 0x000003FF
VM Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register
GICV_ABPR 0x1C 32 RW 0x00000003
VM Aliased Binary Point Register
GICV_AIAR 0x20 32 RO 0x000003FF
VM Aliased Interrupt Acknowledge Register
GICV_AEOIR 0x24 32 WO 0x0
VM Aliased End of Interrupt Register
GICV_AHPPIR 0x28 32 RO 0x000003FF
VM Aliased Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register
GICV_APR0 0xD0 32 RW 0x00000000
VM Active Priority Register
GICV_IIDR 0xFC 32 RO 0x0202143B
VM CPU Interface Identification Register
GICV_DIR 0x1000 32 WO 0x0
VM Deactivate Interrupt Register