noc_fw_priv_MemoryMap_priv Address Map

L4_Privilege Filter
Module Instance Base Address End Address
noc_fw_priv_MemoryMap_priv 0xFFD24800 0xFFD248FF
Register Offset Width Access Reset Value Description
priv 0x0 32 RW 0x00000000
This register controls access to various Peripherals depending on the privilege setting. By default, all slaves will be assumed as Privileged. To allow non-Privileged access to a slave, the corresponding bit for the slave must be set. Once set, both Privilege and non-Privileged transactions are allowed to the Slave. Note that the privilege filter only checks for transaction Privilege level, transaction Security is left to Firewalls. Firewalls therefore may still block transaction to Peripherals depending on Security configurations.
priv_set 0x4 32 WO 0x00000000
Sets Region Enable field when written with 1
priv_clear 0x8 32 WO 0x00000000
Clears Region Enable field when written with 1