DDMA - Direct Memory Access Controller
About this offer
The DDMA is a four-channel Direct Memory Access Controller. Its purpose is to transfer data between memories and peripherals to reduce CPU utilization during data transfers. It can be programmed by the CPU via a 32-bit or 8-bit native interface. The DDMA can perform data transactions of configurable size over 32-bit address space. A single transaction size can be set in a range from 1B to 16MB. To limit the negative impact of different reads and writes timing the DDMA features transfer data buffer. This buffer is a 32-bit FIFO memory with configurable depth.
Technical Specifications
- Category:
- Software and IP Cores: FPGA Intellectual Property Cores: Processors and Peripherals: Peripherals
- End Customer Type:
Included Intel Technology
Cyclone® V FPGAs and SoC FPGAs
Arria® V FPGAs and SoC FPGAs
Stratix® V FPGAs
Intel® MAX® 10 FPGAs
Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGAs and SoC FPGAs
Intel® Cyclone® 10 FPGAs
Intel® Arria® 10 FPGAs and SoC FPGAs
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Digital Core Design is a leading Intellectual Property (IP) Core provider and System-on-Chip (SoC) design house. The company was founded in 1999 and thanks to in-depth specialization and innovative approach we have introduced more than 70 different architectures. Among them you can find e.g. World’s Fastest 8051 CPU, World’s Smallest 8051 CPU, silicon proven and royalty-free 32-bit CPU, Automotive LIN, CAN, CAN-FD, CAN-XL controllers
Ddma - Direct Memory Access Controller
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