Proc10A-CXP-12 CoaXPress Frame Grabber and Image Processing
About this offer
The Proc10A_CXP-12 grabber and image processing family offers a number of options to accommodate diverse application needs, from plug-and-play high-performance frame grabbers to a full custom system solution comprising user-tailored acquisition path, on-FPGA image processing, real-time compression and more. The Proc10A_CXP-12 is designed for ultra-high bandwidth combining 8x CXP-12/6 links for up to 10 GB/s, PCIe Gen. 3 x8 host interface, huge image buffers of up to 32 GB, real-time compression and ability to offload Regions Of Interest (ROI) for additional bandwidth utilization. The Proc10A_CXP-12 enables the use of eight 500+ MPixels/s Gidel Lossless and JPEG encoders - twice the pixel frequency of any other available solution. The Proc10A_CXP-12, based on Intel® Arria® 10 FPGAs, delivers tremendous processing capacity fortified with abundant memory resources enabling to implement real-time image processing and user algorithms.
Technical Specifications
- Category:
- Component: FPGA Boards: COTS - Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions
- Operating Systems:
Linux* Red Hat Linux family*
Linux* Red Hat Linux family* Red Hat Linux*
Microsoft Windows Client* Windows 10 family*
Microsoft Windows Client* Windows 10 family* Windows 10, 64-bit*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2008 R2 family*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2008 R2 family* Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2008 R2 family* Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2008 R2 family* Windows Server 2008 R2*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2012 family*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2012 family* Windows Server 2012 R2*
Microsoft Windows Server* Windows Server 2012 family* Windows Server 2012*
Included Intel Technology
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Gidel was founded in 1993 and has been continuously providing Intel® FPGA-based hardware and software products to the marketplace. Gidel products are optimized for diverse markets such as HPC, Imaging-Vision, and ATEs. Gidel's COTS hardware are robust, reliable and have long life-cycle with quality ISO 9001-2008. It offers customization to meet end user's system requirement and these systems are used by large OEMs in production. Gidel specializes in high-performance grabbing and real-time processing continuously providing best-in-market imaging and vision performance.
Proc10a-cxp-12 Coaxpress Frame Grabber And Image Processing
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