Cloud Service Provider

Industry: Education | Available Territory: People's Republic of China

About This Partner and Products

  • Product Name: Tencent Youtu VisionSeed*

  • Intel Solution Type: N/A

  • Targeted Geography: People's Republic of China

  • Industry: Education

  • Competency: Facial Recognition, Object Recognition



Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud is a secure, reliable and high-performance public cloud service provider that integrates Tencent’s infrastructure building capabilities with the advantages of its massive-user platform and ecosystem. 

About the Product

Tencent Youtu VisionSeed*

VisionSeed* is a smart vision module launched by Tencent YouTu Lab for hardware developers, enabling them to quickly acquire AI capabilities with “zero foundation.”

Powered by: Intel® Movidius™ Neural Compute SDK

Intel components: Intel® Vision Accelerator Design with Intel® Movidius™ VPU