Equipment Provider

Industry: Manufacturing, Retail | Available Geographies: People's Republic of China

About this Partner and Product

  • Product Name: AI AMR-Edge-Cloud Smart Logistics Solution

  • Targeted Geographies: People's Republic of China

  • Intel Solution Type: Intel® IoT Market Ready Solution

  • Industry: Manufacturing, Retail

  • Competency: Object Detection


Beijing Geekplus Technology Co., Ltd.

Geekplus is a global technology company specialized in smart logistics. They apply advanced robotics and artificial intelligence technologies to create solutions for warehouse and factory operations.

With the rise of e-commerce and the demand for a faster and more flexible movement of goods, warehouse and manufacturing operators are facing increasingly complex production and logistic challenges today. Speed, product diversification, same-day delivery, volume, safety… these concerns are impacting a wide range of industries, from apparel, retail, automotive, to even electronics, energy and pharmaceutical industries.

Geekplus was founded to be the solution to these problems. They make logistics affordable, efficient, flexible, safe and agile. Their vision is to establish a fully automated and intelligent supply chain globally.

About the Product

AI AMR-Edge-Cloud Smart Logistics Solution

Automation is creeping into almost every sector imaginable. Whilst manufacturing has relied on robotics and automation for decades, logistics – up until now – has remained reliant on a human workforce. This is all likely to change. A number of drivers have aligned to create the perfect environment for robot adoption in warehouses.

Retailers can no longer predict what the market will be like in five years, let alone ten years; so, solutions that scale up in line and in time with business growth have become the only option.

The Geekplus smart logistics solution is the one with integrated AI AMR, Edge Computing and Cloud Computing technology, to make logistics affordable, efficient, flexible, safe and agile. They accelerate the intelligent evolution in the logistics vertical and establish a fully automated and intelligent supply chain globally.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit

Intel Components: Intel® Core™ Processors, Intel® Xeon™ Processors, Intel® RealSense™