Equipment Provider

Industries: All | Available Territories: Global

About This Partner and Product

  • Product Name: AI-Vue Camera*

  • Intel Solution Type: Smart Camera

  • Targeted Geographies: Europe, North America, South America, Central America, Asia, Pacific and Japan, Africa and Middle East

  • Industries: All

  • Competency: Image/Video Captioning



Over the last two decades Ability has been a leading OEM/ODM business partners with core expertise in the design, integration, and volume manufacturing capabilities for digital imaging devices including Digital Still Camera (DSC), Action Camera, Dash Camera, Security Camera, and the latest AI-enabled Smart Cameras, etc.

Taking advantage of the embedded powerful edge computing capability, powered by Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU and developed with Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, these cutting-edge cameras are perfectly suitable for applications in smart city, smart transportation, smart factory, smart retail, and smart healthcare, etc. With the combined expertise in hardware manufacturing and advanced AI algorithm, Ability is your best OEM/ODM partner to work together.


Product Description

AI-Vue Camera*

AI-Vue Camera series of Ability Enterprise Co., Ltd. is edge-computing device connected via IP network for all video analytic purposes and scenario. The product line ranges from entry-level to high performance up to 8M resolution. Powered by Intel Movidius VPU & Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, Ability AI-Vue camera series can be deployed rapidly for surveillance, human or object detection, or ANPR applications covering fields like consumer electronics, medical, financial, retail, government, energy, transportation and industrial. AI-Vue camera series is suitable for OEM or system integrators to deploy solutions quickly and easily.

Ability AI-Vue camera features with supreme image quality benefited from long-term excellent firmware development expertise and can deliver a better user experience for vertical market with AI models developers and solution providers. The proprietary image processing technologies promise cameras to generate high quality images under various extreme circumstances like high contrast ambient light or dark nighttime, adjusts the angle & brightness of IR LEDs automatically to an appropriate exposure level for image details.​

AI-Cube Camera*

AI-Cube Camera series of Ability Enterprise Co., Ltd. is edge-computing devices connected via USB with computing host device for all video analytic purposes and scenario. The product line ranges from entry-level to high performance up to 8M resolution. Powered by Intel Movidius VPU & Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, Ability AI-Cube camera series can be deployed rapidly for surveillance, human or object detection, or analysis applications covering fields like consumer electronics, medical, financial, retail, government, energy, transportation and industrial. AI-Cube camera series is suitable for OEM or system integrators to deploy solutions quickly and easily.​

Ability AI-Cube series features as a two-in-one AI device to reduce additional webcam plugged externally. A compact form factor makes a better look-and-feel ID design feasible for terminal integration. The plug-and-play USB interface makes it intuitive and effortless to use. The on-the-go USB camera breaks the boundaries of conventional camera applications and is ready-to-use with devices at hands like laptop or desktop.

Ability offers software-enhanced AI cameras with industrial-grade standard in a variety of form factor such as bullet & dome. The cameras are powered by the Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU and AI applications are ready to develop on the OpenVINO™ Toolkit structure which optimizes a lot of pre-trained deep learning models. Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit supports the most popular and developer-friendly frameworks on the market like Caffe, TensorFlow, MXNet, Kaldi, and ONNX. The spirit of camera design is to let AI development and applications define hardware specification. This makes it convenient for developers to accelerate the implementation of model porting and deployment. Ability collaborates with Intel for edge AI camera platform and is proud as a partner of Intel’s IOT Solutions Alliance. The success cases are available around the world. In addition, Ability smart cameras essentially represent a fundamental platform featured with software defined functionalities such that different deep learning algorithms can be uploaded via Over-The-Air (OTA) and executed on the camera edge at any time. This innovative design concept also allows the business model of “AI-as-a-Service” to become technically possible and economically affordable to valued customers and vertical markets.​

The power of running AI application on the edge device is reshaping the future landscape for surveillance camera, we are definitely excited to embrace this wave of technology breakthrough and look forward to exploring all new possibilities every day.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit

Intel components: Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ X VPU, Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2 (Intel® NCS2)
