Leading the Industry in Semiconductor Manufacturing Sustainability
Our leadership in sustainability can help your company meet its targets and regulatory requirements. Learn about our commitment to sustainability below.
2023‒24 Intel® Corporate Responsibility Report
See the full details of our sustainability initiative achievements.
Goal: 100% renewable electricity by 2030.
2023 Progress: 99% renewable electricity globally.
Over the last five years, Intel’s renewable electricity supply and attribute purchases have totaled more than 37.9 billion kWh, enough to power more than 3.5 million US households for one year. Intel now has more than 110 alternative and renewable electricity installations with capacity of more than 50,000 kW across 22 Intel campuses.1
Goal: Net positive water by 2030.
2023 Progress: Net positive in US, Mexico, Costa Rica and India. 110% of freshwater usage was returned and restored.
During 2023, we conserved approximately 10.2 billion gallons and 36 billion gallons cumulatively from the 2020 baseline. In addition, Intel-enabled projects restored about 3.1 billion gallons of water to our watersheds in 2023.2
Goal: Zero waste to landfill by 2030.
2023 Progress: 6% of waste to landfill.
Intel has implemented circular strategies for approximately 63% of our manufacturing waste. Despite construction waste increasing in 2023, waste to landfill declined from 2022. This reflects the significant focus placed on landfill diversion by Intel’s construction teams.3
Goal: Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Scope 1 and 2 by 2040. Upstream Scope 3 by 2050.
2023 Progress: Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse emissions decreased 43% from the 2019 baseline.
For more than two decades, Intel has voluntarily reduced our greenhouse gas emissions through significant investments and actions. Despite our growth and increase in manufacturing output and complexity of our manufacturing process technologies, we have both reduced our absolute emissions and avoided 82% of our cumulative Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions over the last decade.4
Intel is Accelerating Industry Sustainability Through Collaborative Efforts
Intel Manufacturing Awards and Recognitions
CDP Water Security rating.5
CDP rating in both Climate Change and Supplier Engagement.5
ISS rating in both Environment and Social Quality Score.6
CDP Water Security rating.5
CDP rating in both Climate Change and Supplier Engagement.5
ISS rating in both Environment and Social Quality Score.6
Platinum Certification
Intel’s Ocotillo campus has earned Platinum level certification from the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS).7
#4 Most Just Company
JUST Capital ranked Intel as its #4 most just American company in 2024.8
Innovation and Investment in a Sustainable Future
Intel invites you to download and review our Climate Transition Action Plan, outlining the steps we’ll take over the next three decades toward more sustainable products and operations.
Intel Foundry Portal
Product and Performance Information
Intel's 2023-24 Corporate Responsibility Report (CSR). Intel's CSR is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of our approach to corporate responsibility and our performance for calendar and fiscal 2023, unless otherwise stated. Details regarding Intel's energy conservation commitments and progress can be found beginning on page 73.
Intel's 2023-24 Corporate Responsibility Report (CSR). Intel's CSR is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of our approach to corporate responsibility and our performance for calendar and fiscal 2023, unless otherwise stated. Details regarding Intel's water stewardship commitments and progress can be found beginning on page 81.
Intel's 2023-24 Corporate Responsibility Report (CSR). Intel's CSR is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of our approach to corporate responsibility and our performance for calendar and fiscal 2023, unless otherwise stated. Details regarding Intel's waste and circular economy commitments and progress can be found beginning on page 83.
Intel's 2023-24 Corporate Responsibility Report (CSR). Intel's CSR is intended to provide a comprehensive summary of our approach to corporate responsibility and our performance for calendar and fiscal 2023, unless otherwise stated. Details regarding Intel's green-house gas reduction commitments and progress can be found beginning on page 75.
CDP North America's 2023 Company Scores, a database maintained by CDP that scores companies on their climate change, forests, and water security disclosures. Intel's rating can be found in CDP's full database, which can be searched after registering for an account.
Score as of end of 2023. https://www.issgovernance.com/esg/ratings/
See https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/newsroom/article/intel-arizona-site-honored-for-water-stewardship.html for details.
See https://justcapital.com/rankings/ for details.