Intel Foundry Innovation Fund Request
Instructions: Intel requests the information below so that we may conduct a preliminary evaluation of your application for Intel Foundry Innovation Fund funds. Your application is complete when you have filled out all applicable requested fields. Please confine your responses to the requested subject matter.
Please DO NOT include any confidential, proprietary and trade secret information, or other intellectual property information in your responses or in any attached material, even if you have a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement (“NDA”) with Intel or believe such material to be relevant to your response.
Personal Information Notice: Intel will securely store the personal information that you provide, including your name and your email address, for a period of 5 years. During this time, we may use your information to alert you to other commercial opportunities that may become available. We will not use your information for any other purpose. We will not share your information with our partners or with any other entity. At all times, Intel’s collection and use of your personal information is subject to our Privacy Notice.