ACPI Component Architecture Downloads (Previous Releases 2014)



This release introduces and implements language extensions to ASL that provide support for symbolic ("C-style") operators and expressions. These language extensions are known collectively as ASL+.

Available Downloads

  • Microsoft Windows*
  • Size: 1.4 MB
  • SHA1: AA1BBBFCF4B90ED6A049B4C8B4B6AF3CD227274A
  • Unix*
  • Size: 1.3 MB
  • SHA1: 49E4CBFA39D84F8832CF82455112C868990EF340
  • Unix*
  • Size: 1.4 MB
  • SHA1: 37CD4DBA8F3902672BDD8FD7AA85915976FC6134
  • Microsoft Windows*
  • Size: 2.3 MB
  • SHA1: E13D6490B9FE8207124FD07FA69C63C92D941771
  • Unix*
  • Size: 1.9 MB
  • SHA1: 8A1DC69E4A270AAA7FA08FB722B3191771D34F25
  • Microsoft Windows*
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • SHA1: 90131FCE596112908E6FC5A726783644D5375B2A

Detailed Description

07 November 2014. Summary of changes for version 20141107:

This release is available at

This release introduces and implements language extensions to ASL that
provide support for symbolic ("C-style") operators and expressions. These
language extensions are known collectively as ASL+.

1) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:

Disassembler: Fixed a problem with disassembly of the UartSerialBus
macro. Changed "StopBitsNone" to the correct "StopBitsZero". David E.

Disassembler: Fixed the Unicode macro support to add escape sequences.
All non-printable ASCII values are emitted as escape sequences, as well
as the standard escapes for quote and backslash. Ensures that the
disassembled macro can be correctly recompiled.

iASL: Added Printf/Fprintf macros for formatted output. These macros are
translated to existing AML Concatenate and Store operations. Printf
writes to the ASL Debug object. Fprintf allows the specification of an
ASL name as the target. Only a single format specifier is required, %o,
since the AML interpreter dynamically converts objects to the required
type. David E. Box.

(old) Store (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate
(Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate ("", Arg0),
": Unexpected value for "), Arg1), ", "), Arg2),
" at line "), Arg3), Debug)

(new) Printf ("%o: Unexpected value for %o, %o at line %o",
Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)

(old) Store (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate (Concatenate
("", Arg1), ": "), Arg0), " Successful"), STR1)

(new) Fprintf (STR1, "%o: %o Successful", Arg1, Arg0)

iASL: Added debug options (-bp, -bt) to dynamically prune levels of the
ASL parse tree before the AML code is generated. This allows blocks of
ASL code to be removed in order to help locate and identify problem
devices and/or code. David E. Box.

AcpiExec: Added support (-fi) for an optional namespace object
initialization file. This file specifies initial values for namespace
objects as necessary for debugging and testing different ASL code paths
that may be taken as a result of BIOS options.

2) Overview of symbolic operator support for ASL (ASL+)

As an extension to the ASL language, iASL implements support for symbolic
(C-style) operators for math and logical expressions. This can greatly
simplify ASL code as well as improve both readability and
maintainability. These language extensions can exist concurrently with
all legacy ASL code and expressions.

The symbolic extensions are 100% compatible with existing AML
interpreters, since no new AML opcodes are created. To implement the
extensions, the iASL compiler transforms the symbolic expressions into
the legacy ASL/AML equivalents at compile time.

Full symbolic expressions are supported, along with the standard C
precedence and associativity rules.

Full disassembler support for the symbolic expressions is provided, and
creates an automatic migration path for existing ASL code to ASL+ code
via the disassembly process. By default, the disassembler now emits ASL+
code with symbolic expressions. An option (-dl) is provided to force the
disassembler to emit legacy ASL code if desired.

Below is the complete list of the currently supported symbolic operators
with examples. See the iASL User Guide for additional information.

ASL+ Syntax Legacy ASL Equivalent
----------- ---------------------

// Math operators

Z = X + Y Add (X, Y, Z)
Z = X - Y Subtract (X, Y, Z)
Z = X * Y Multiply (X, Y, Z)
Z = X / Y Divide (X, Y, , Z)
Z = X % Y Mod (X, Y, Z)
Z = X << Y ShiftLeft (X, Y, Z)
Z = X >> Y ShiftRight (X, Y, Z)
Z = X & Y And (X, Y, Z)
Z = X | Y Or (X, Y, Z)
Z = X ^ Y Xor (X, Y, Z)
Z = ~X Not (X, Z)
X++ Increment (X)
X-- Decrement (X)

// Logical operators

(X == Y) LEqual (X, Y)
(X != Y) LNotEqual (X, Y)
(X < Y) LLess (X, Y)
(X > Y) LGreater (X, Y)
(X <= Y) LLessEqual (X, Y)
(X >= Y) LGreaterEqual (X, Y)
(X && Y) LAnd (X, Y)
(X || Y) LOr (X, Y)
(!X) LNot (X)

// Assignment and compound assignment operations

X = Y Store (Y, X)
X += Y Add (X, Y, X)
X -= Y Subtract (X, Y, X)
X *= Y Multiply (X, Y, X)
X /= Y Divide (X, Y, , X)
X %= Y Mod (X, Y, X)
X <<= Y ShiftLeft (X, Y, X)
X >>= Y ShiftRight (X, Y, X)
X &= Y And (X, Y, X)
X |= Y Or (X, Y, X)
X ^= Y Xor (X, Y, X)

3) ASL+ Examples:

Legacy ASL:
If (LOr (LOr (LEqual (And (R510, 0x03FB), 0x02E0), LEqual (
And (R520, 0x03FB), 0x02E0)), LOr (LEqual (And (R530,
0x02E0), LEqual (And (R540, 0x03FB), 0x02E0))))
Store (MEMB, Local2)
Store (PDBM, Local1)
Store (SRMB, MEMB)
Or (PDBM, 0x02, PDBM)

ASL+ version:
If (((R510 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0) ||
((R520 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0) ||
((R530 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0) ||
((R540 & 0x03FB) == 0x02E0))
Local2 = MEMB
Local1 = PDBM
PDBM |= 0x02

Legacy ASL:
Store (0x1234, Local1)
Multiply (Add (Add (Local1, TEST), 0x20), Local2, Local3)
Multiply (Local2, Add (Add (Local1, TEST), 0x20), Local3)
Add (Local1, Add (TEST, Multiply (0x20, Local2)), Local3)
Store (Index (PKG1, 0x03), Local6)
Store (Add (Local3, Local2), Debug)
Add (Local1, 0x0F, Local2)
Add (Local1, Multiply (Local2, Local3), Local2)
Multiply (Add (Add (Local1, TEST), 0x20), ToBCD (Local1), Local3)

ASL+ version:
Local1 = 0x1234
Local3 = (((Local1 + TEST) + 0x20) * Local2)
Local3 = (Local2 * ((Local1 + TEST) + 0x20))
Local3 = (Local1 + (TEST + (0x20 * Local2)))
Local6 = Index (PKG1, 0x03)
Debug = (Local3 + Local2)
Local2 = (Local1 + 0x0F)
Local2 = (Local1 + (Local2 * Local3))
Local3 = (((Local1 + TEST) + 0x20) * ToBCD (Local1))

7 November, 2014