BIOS for Intel® Joule™ Compute Module



This download record includes BIOS for Intel® Joule™ module version 1J2.

Available Downloads

  • OS Independent
  • Size: 24 MB
  • SHA1: C1AE10DC3DD5465E138FA817CFAA27F119325B03

Detailed Description


Intel has discontinued Intel® Galileo development boards, Intel® Edison compute module and developer kits, and Intel® Joule™ compute module and developer kits. There are no further software releases planned for the Intel Galileo, Intel Edison, or Intel Joule platforms.

As of September 15, 2017, Intel archived its online resources and will maintain availability to Intel GalileoIntel Edison, and Intel Joule forum communities until June 15, 2020. Files licensed under open-source licenses will continue to be generally available in binary and source code on GitHub*.



File download contains BIOS version 1J2 for the Intel® Joule™ compute module.


What's new?

  • BIOS version 1J2 as part of BKC for v1706 of the Reference OS for IoT
  • Includes variant to toggle USB3 and PCIe interface activation

See the release notes for additional information, specific fixes from last version, and known issues.