Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack



This download installs version 27.6.1 of the Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack for supported OS versions.

Available Downloads

  • OS Independent, FreeBSD*, Microsoft Windows*, Linux*, VMware*
  • Size: 792.2 MB
  • SHA256: BFB2E90DEBD26A0D230161F72C541737A95F599526D1866C3C3DA8B14B10C30B

Detailed Description

What's New in This Release

The NVM Update Packages have been modified for the 700 Series (9.01) and E810 Series (4.01)


Please review readme and Release Notes for more information about this release.


About Intel® drivers

If you purchased an OEM branded server or appliance, contact your OEM for a SW driver version that is compatible with your exact FW version. Using SW and FW versions that have not been validated to work together will affect performance, feature availability, and system stability.

See list of manufacturers’ Support websites.

For a detailed list of features, fixes, known issues and general release information, download the release notes and review the readme.txt that is included in each software release. Release Notes  



This. zip file contains all of the Intel® Ethernet network drivers and software for currently supported versions of Windows*, Linux*, and FreeBSD* for most Intel® Ethernet Adapters. Not all Intel® Ethernet Adapters and Intel® Ethernet Controllers are supported under every version of Windows, Linux, or FreeBSD.

This is a large file. We recommend downloading smaller files for your operating system if you don't need software for every OS.

This download is valid for the product(s) listed below.