Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents Interrupt Request (INTREQ)

The fRSmartComp includes an interrupt sender (INTREQ) to optionally send an interrupt request to the System Supervisor if an alarm is generated.

  • If unused, then the system leaves the INTREQ output unconnected during integration.
  • If used, the system connects the interrupt request to both the CPUs (Left and Right).

The interrupt request is of type “level”; it is generated with a 1’b1 driven on this output until a CLEAR_IRQ action is performed through the fRSmartComp Configuration Interface. The CLEAR_IRQ action configures the “INTREQ Configuration Register” with the value 6’b010101. At the system level, the priority of this interrupt request depends on your Safety Architecture.