AXI Multichannel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 817911
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents PCIe PF MSI-X

The PF MSI-X capability parameters in Multichannel DMA, BAM+MCDMA and BAM+BAS+MCDMA modes are automatically set and cannot be modified.

Figure 13. PCIe PF MSI-X Parameters
Table 45.  PCIe PF MSI-X Parameters
Parameter Value Default Value Description
Enable MSI-X On / Off See Description

Enables or disables the MSI-X capability.

Note: In Multichannel DMA, BAM+MCDMA and BAM+BAS+MCDMA user modes, the MSI-X capability is automatically enabled and capability register are set by the IP GUI. You cannot modify the capability register values.
Table Size 0 - 2047 15

Sets the number of entries in the MSI-X table

System software reads this field to determine the MSI-X table size N, which is encoded as N-1

Table offset 0x00020000 0x00020000

Sets the read-only base address of the MSI-X table

Points to the base of the MSI-X table. The lower 3 bits of the table BAR indicator (BIR) are set to zero by software to form a 64-bit qword-aligned offset

Table BAR Indicator 0 0

Specifies which one of a function's base address registers, located beginning at 0x10 in the Configuration Space, maps the MSI-X table into memory space

This field is read-only

Pending bit array (PBA) offset 0x00030000 0x00030000

Used as an offset from the address contained in one of the function's Base Address registers to point to the base of the MSI-X PBA

The lower 3 bits of the PBA BIR are set to zero by software to form a 32-bit qword-aligned offset. This field is read-only after being programmed

PBA BAR Indicator 0 0

Specifies the function Base Address registers, located beginning at 0x10 in Configuration Space, that maps the MSI-X PBA into memory space

This field is read-only in the MSI-X Capability Structure