MIPI D-PHY IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs

ID 817561
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.1.1. General Interface Signals

Table 19.  General Interface Signals
Signal Direction Width Description

TX - output

RX - input

1 D-PHY clock lane pins for link n.


TX - output

RX - input

m D-PHY data lane pins for link n (where m is the number of data lanes = 1,2,4 or 8).
arst_n input 1 Asynchronous system reset (low-asserted).
LINKn_link_core_clk output 1 Core clock for Link n.
LINKn_link_srst_n output 1 Sync reset for Link n (low-asserted).
LINKn_link_arst_n output 1 Async reset for Link n (low-asserted).
ref_clk_0_p input 1 Reference clock input for PLL 0. Ref_clk_0_n is only required when using true differential signaling.
ref_clk_1_p input 1 Reference clock input for PLL 1 when used. Ref_clk_1_n is only required when using true differential signaling.
rzq input 1 RZQ pin used for OCT calibration. Refer to the MIPI D-PHY Interface Implementation section for implementation details.