Visible to Intel only — GUID: wlg1725338959782
2.1. Parameterizing the HPS Component
2.2. HPS-FPGA Interfaces
2.3. SDRAM
2.4. HPS Clocks, Reset, Power
2.5. I/O Delays
2.6. Pin Mux and Peripherals
2.7. Generating and Compiling the HPS Component
2.8. Using the Address Span Extender Component
2.9. Configuring the Agilex™ 5 Hard Processor System Component Revision History Enable MPU Standby and Event Signals Enable General Purpose Signals Enable Debug APB* Interface Enable System Trace Macrocell (STM) Hardware Events Enable SWJ-DP JTAG Interface Enable FPGA Cross Trigger Interface Enable AMBA* Trace Bus (ATB)
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wlg1725338959782
2.3.4. Configuration when using ECC
This section describes how to configure an EMIF design to use ECC. For ECC selection, you need to:
- Click Dive Into Packaged Subsystem in the External Memory Interfaces for HPS window.
Figure 15. Dive Into Packaged Subsystem
- In the new window, single click on the EMIF IP inside of the packaged IP window to view the Memory Device parameters on the right side.
Figure 16. ECC Selection for DDR4/DDR5Figure 17. In-Line ECC Selection for LPDDR4/LPDDR5
- Change the EMIF IP parameters to suit your requirements. To enable ECC for DDR4/DDR5, select ECC DQ Width to 8, for example. In the case of enabling In-Line ECC for LPDDR4/LPDDR5, select Use In-Line ECC.
- Save and exit the Dive Into Packaged Subsystem window.
Figure 18. Save and Exit the Dive Into Packaged Subsystem Window
- Use the Generate HDL button to recompile the design.