Cyclone® V to Agilex™ 5 Device Migration Guide

ID 787947
Date 1/24/2025
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3.3.2. Upgrading IP Cores in Platform Designer

When you open a Platform Designer system containing outdated IP components, you can retain and use the RTL of previously generated IP components within the Platform Designer system. If the Platform Designer cannot locate the IP core’s original version, you cannot re-parametrize the IP core without upgrading the IP core to the latest version. However, Platform Designer allows you to view the parametrization of the original IP component without upgrading.

If the Platform Designer detects IP components that require regeneration, the Upgrade IP Cores dialog box appears, allowing you to upgrade outdated components. Components that you must upgrade to compile your design successfully appear in red. Status icons indicate whether a component is currently being regenerated, a component is encrypted, or that there is not enough information to determine the status of a component.

Upgrading All IP Components in your Platform Designer System

To upgrade all IP components in your Platform Designer system to the latest version, perform these steps:

  1. Click System > Upgrade IP Cores. The Upgrade IP Cores dialog box appears.
  2. Click Upgrade All to upgrade all IP components at once to the latest versions.

Upgrading Individual IP Components in your Platform Designer System

To upgrade individual IP components in your Platform Designer system to the latest version, select each IP in the Upgrade IP Cores window and click Upgrade. You can also upgrade individual IPs via the Parameters tab, using the following steps:

  1. Click View > Parameters.
  2. Select the outdated IP component in the Hierarchy or the System View tab.
  3. Select the Parameters tab. This tab displays information on the current version and the installed version of the selected IP component.
  4. Click Upgrade. Platform Designer upgrades the IP component to the installed version and deletes all the RTL files associated with the IP component. A warning message displays to inform you about the pending deletion of RTL files associated with the IP component.
Note: The Quartus® Prime software maintains a list of all IP components associated with your design on the Components tab in the Project Navigator. You cannot upgrade IP cores instantiated in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 23.2.1 to 23.4. Regenerate the instantiated IPs to proceed with your project. However, IP auto-upgrade will upgrade IPs from 23.4 to 24.3 and later releases.

For more information about upgrading IP cores in Platform Designer, refer to the "Upgrading Outdated IP Components in Platform Designer" topic in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer.