Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: User Guide

ID 784383
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.2.1. Starting a Simulation from a Command Prompt

To start the simulation, use any of the following bash-shell script files available under the project directory:

Table 8.  Commands to Start a Simulation from a Command Prompt
Command Description
simics Launches Intel® Simics® simulator using the current host terminal as the Intel® Simics® simulator CLI. A GUI is also available, and another Intel® Simics® simulator CLI may be launched using this.
Call this command as follows:
./simics target_script.simics
simics-gui Launches Intel® Simics® simulator GUI. The Intel® Simics® simulator CLI can be launched from the GUI.
Call this command as follows:
./simics-gui target_script.simics
simics -batch-mode Launches the Intel® Simics® simulator in batch mode.

In batch mode, the simulation runs in the background and no Intel® Simics® GUIs or terminals are displayed. Control the complete simulation flow from the Intel® Simics® target script. This mode is useful for automation purposes. For details about simulation setup, running control, self-check operations, error handling, and simulation exit condition in the Intel® Simics® target script, refer to Intel Simics Scripting,

Call this command as follows:
./simics -batch-mode target_script.simics
simics-old Launches an Intel® Simics® simulation similar to the simics script. Previously, Intel® Simics® simulation ran as a shell/batch application, but now, it runs as a Python application. The simics-old executable launches the Intel® Simics® simulation in the backward-compatibility mode as an alternative in case running the simulation as a Python application with the simics script fails.