External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 7 M-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 772538
Date 11/18/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.2.8. mem_0 for External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP - DDR4 DIMM

Interface to the memory (channel 0), including all CA pins, DQ pins, and DQS pins.

Table 40.  Interface: mem_0Interface type: conduit
Port Name Direction Description
mem_0_cke Output Clock Enable channel 0.
mem_0_odt Output On-Die Termination channel 0.
mem_0_cs_n Output Chip Select channel 0.
mem_0_a Output Address channel 0.
mem_0_ba Output Bank Address channel 0.
mem_0_bg Output Bank Group channel 0.
mem_0_act_n Output Activation Command channel 0.
mem_0_par Output Command/Address Parity channel 0.
mem_0_dq Bidir Data (read/write) channel 0.
mem_0_dqs_t Bidir Data Strobe (true) channel 0.
mem_0_dqs_c Bidir Data Strobe (complement) channel 0.
mem_0_alert_n Input Indicates Write CRC Error channel 0.