FPGA AI Suite: Getting Started Guide

ID 768970
Date 12/16/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.1. Creating a Working Directory

This tutorial requires a writeable working directory that contains a copy of the example runtime and the demonstration files.

If you want to use ~/coredla_work/ as your working directory, run the following commands:
mkdir ~/coredla_work
cd ~/coredla_work
source dla_init_local_directory.sh
The dla_init_local_directory.sh script does the following tasks:
  • Sets COREDLA_WORK environment variable to point at working directory.
  • Creates a locally writeable copy of the runtime directory.
  • Creates a locally writeable copy of the demo directory.
To re-enter this work directory after opening a new shell, source the OpenVINO setupvar.sh script and the FPGA AI Suite init_env.sh script, as described in Setting Required Environment Variables. Then, run the following commands:
cd ~/coredla_work
source ./coredla_work.sh