Visible to Intel only — GUID: sit1667392881206
2.4.3. Step 3: Create IP Presets for the Board
To create preset parameter settings that are appropriate for the target board, follow these steps:
- In Platform Designer IP Catalog, click the IP tab and type pio to search for the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel® FPGA IP.
- Double-click the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA IP name in IP Catalog. The IP parameter editor appears.
- Specify the following parameter values in the PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA IP parameter editor:
- Width (1-32 bits)—enter 4.
- Direction—select Output.
- Output Register—turn on Enable individual bit setting/clearing.
Figure 16. PIO (Parallel I/O) Intel FPGA IP Parameter Editor
- In the Presets pane, click the New button. The New Preset dialog box appears (alternatively, click View > Presets).
- Specify the following options to identify the new preset:
- Preset name—enter pio_led.
- Preset description—enter presets for pio outputs.
- Category—enter PIO.
Note: The Board option displays the target board from the project settings.
Figure 17. New Preset Dialog Box
- View the Parameter Settings tab. The parameter values already reflect the parameter values that you set in 3.
- To specify pin location and I/O standard assignments for the preset, click the Pin Assignments tab.
- Enable the external_connection interface checkbox and type led in the Exported Name cell. The led_export[n] prefix automatically replaces all port names of the interface.
- For the led_export[n] ports, specify the following Pin Locations and I/O Standard.
- led_export[0]—Pin location PIN_B31, IO standard 1.2V
- led_export[1]—Pin location PIN_D31, IO standard 1.2V
- led_export[2]—Pin location PIN_A30, IO standard 1.2V
- led_export[3]—Pin location PIN_C30, IO standard 1.2V
Figure 18. Pin Assignments Tab of Presets Pane
Note: Alternatively, you can populate the pin assignments by specifying the provided pio_pin.tcl file for the Pin Constraint File option. - Click the Save button to save the IP preset file.
- Click Finish to generate the PIO IP and add to the system.
Note: You can now reuse this preset file for projects targeting this board and IP.