Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Passing the BSP to Another Developer

If you need to pass a BSP to another developer, save the processor subsystem as a Platform Designer script and export the BSP settings as a BSP TCL script.

Table 17.  Generating and Restoring Build Scripts
Task Command
Generate the Platform Designer script
qsys-generate <Platform Designer system>.qsys --export-qsys-script
Export the BSP Tcl script
niosv-bsp --query --export-as-tcl=<BSP Tcl script> settings.bsp
Restore the processor subsystem
qsys-script --script=<Platform Designer script> /
--quartus-project=<Quartus Project File>
Regenerate the BSP
Note: The person receiving the scripts can regenerate the BSP after restoring the processor subsystem.
niosv-bsp --create --qsys=<processor subsystem> /
--type=<OS type> --script=<BSP TCL script>