Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683870
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents Module Definitions in Library Directories

A library directory can contain one or more module definitions, as well as other elements, such as SystemVerilog package definitions.

A library directory can store only one module definition per module. For example, if the adder.sv and adder_fast.sv files define the same module adder, but have different implementations (perhaps adder_fast.sv implements a fast adder), then compiling both files into the same library directory with a single compilation command results in a compilation error. However, you can compile the adder.sv and adder_fast.sv files into different library directories.

You can also replace an existing module definition in a library with another module definition with the same module name. For example, if a library directory already includes a module definition for adder (from compiling file adder.sv), and you compile the adder_fast.sv file into that library directory, the existing module definition in the library directory is replaced with the module definition from adder_fast.sv.