Visible to Intel only — GUID: nzo1689026787409
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nzo1689026787409
Ixiasoft Understanding PR Logic Utilization Reports
This report may show an increase in the implementation revision ALM logic utilization compared with the base revision utilization. Specifically, the value of '[C] estimate of the ALMs unavailable' can be significantly higher in the implementation revision compared to the base revision, as the following figures illustrate.
This increase in ALM usage appears because the base revision compilation report reflects logic utilization that is based only on the base revision RTL file. However, for the implementation revision, the static region is imported from the base revision .qdb file that also includes all of the logic (used and unused) of the static region. This additional base revision logic causes the increase in [C]. In this case, [C] includes every ALM of the static region .qdb file. In contrast, [A] is the actual number of used ALMs in the design after placement. For the Total Logic Utilization of PR designs, you must review the [A]ALMs used in final placement.