Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 11/30/2024
Document Table of Contents State Machine Pane

The State Machine pane contains the text entry boxes where you define the triggering flow and actions associated with each state.

  • You can define the triggering flow using the Signal Tap Trigger Flow Description Language, a simple language based on “if-else” conditional statements.
  • Tooltips appear when you move the mouse over the cursor, to guide command entry into the state boxes.
  • The GUI provides a syntax check on your flow description in real-time and highlights any errors in the text flow.

The State Machine description text boxes default to show one text box per state. You can also have the entire flow description shown in a single text field. This option can be useful when copying and pasting a flow description from a template or an external text editor. To toggle between one window per state, or all states in one window, select the appropriate option under State Display mode.