Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.1.5. (Optional) Step 5: Modify the Signal Probe Pins Assignments

As long as you reserve the pins (with CREATE_SIGNALPROBE_PIN) before running full compilation, you can optionally add or modify the node that connects to a reserved Signal Probe pin (with CONNECT_SIGNALPROBE_PIN) without rerunning a full compilation. Rather, you can run a Fitter-only compilation to implement the Signal Probe pin assignment change.
Note: If you modify the physical I/O pin assignments with (with CREATE_SIGNALPROBE_PIN) after running compilation, you must rerun full compilation to implement those changes before using Signal Probe.

Tcl Command to Specify Signal Probe Pin Assignment

set_instance_assignment –name CONNECT_SIGNALPROBE_PIN <pin_name> –to <node_name>