Quartus® Prime Pro Edition: Version 24.2 Software and Device Support Release Notes

ID 683706
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.2.2. Removed Features and Functions

The functions and features listed in this section have been removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.2 or earlier.

Features and Functions Removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.2

No Quartus® Prime features or functions have been removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.2.

Features and Functions Removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.1

  • The Nios® II Processor and Nios® II Embedded Design Suite products are discontinued and removed from the Quartus® Prime Design Suite. For details, refer to Product Discontinuance Notice PDN2312 .
  • The AXI3 BFM is no longer supported by the Intel® FPGA Edition of the Siemens EDA AXI Verification IP Suite.

Features and Functions Removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 23.4

No Quartus® Prime features or functions have been removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 23.4.

Features and Functions Removed from Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 23.3

  • Siemens* EDA ModelSim SE is no longer supported by Quartus® Prime Pro Edition.

    Use Siemens* EDA Questa* Advanced Simulator or Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition as an alternative.

  • Support for the SYN_SDC_FILE global assignment is removed.

    Use the SDC_FILE global assignment instead.

  • Support for the creation and use of Block Design Format (BDF) files is removed.
  • Support for the creation and use of Text Design File (TDF) definitions written in the Altera Hardware Description Language (AHDL) is removed.