2.4.1. NLB Mode0 Hello_FPGA Test Flow
- Software initializes Device Status Memory (DSM) to zero.
- Software writes the DSM BASE address to the AFU.
- Software prepares source and destination memory buffer. This preparation is test specific.
- Software writes CSR_CTL[2:0]= 0x1. This write brings the test out of reset and into configuration mode. Configuration can proceed only when CSR_CTL[0]=1 & CSR_CTL[1]=1.
- Software configures the test parameters, such as src, destaddress, csr_cfg, num lines, and so on.
- Software CSR writes CSR_CTL[2:0]= 0x3. The AF begins test execution.
- Test completion:
- Hardware completes when the test completes or detects an error. Upon completion, the hardware AF updates DSM_STATUS. Software polls DSM_STATUS[31:0]==1 to detect test completion.
- Software can force test completion by writing CSR writes CSR_CTL[2:0]=0x7. Hardware AF updates DSM_STATUS.