Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471303170
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471303170
6. Analyzing and Optimizing the Design Floorplan
By default, the Compiler determines the best location for logic placement based on your design characteristics and project settings and constraints. You can use the Quartus® Prime Chip Planner to visualize the available device resources, and then use a variety of constraints to implement specific placement for important logic, and to group blocks together within specific device regions.
For example, you can define a Logic Lock placement constraint to assign design logic to any arbitrary region of physical resources on the target device that you define. When you assign nodes or entities to the Logic Lock region, the Compiler always places that logic inside the region during fitting. You can define the Logic Lock region's size and location.

After compilation, you can back-annotate (copy) the Compiler's resource assignments to preserve that same implementation in subsequent compilations. Assignment back-annotation can simplify timing closure by allowing you to lock down placement of your optimized results.
Section Content
Location Assignment Optimization Guidelines
Design Floorplan Analysis in Chip Planner
Defining Logic Lock Placement Constraints
Defining Virtual Pins
Using Logic Lock Regions in Combination with Design Partitions
Creating Clock Region Assignments in Chip Planner
Scripting Support
Analyzing and Optimizing the Design Floorplan Revision History