Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 2/11/2025
Document Table of Contents

1.3.1. Specifying the Target FPGA Device or Board for a System

When you create a new Platform Designer system, the system settings automatically reflect the target device or board that the current Quartus Prime project targets. The Platform Designer system generation output is specific to the target Intel® FPGA Device family or Board specified for the project and system. The available IP components, parameters, and output options for your system vary according to the target Device family or Board.
Note: The System Settings tab now replaces the Device Family tab in Platform Designer.
Figure 4. System Settings Tab in Platform Designer

After creating a system, you can modify the target Device family or Board setting for your system on the Platform Designer System Settings tab. If you specify a target Device family or Board that is different from the current project settings, Platform Designer updates the target device family or board for the project to match the Device family or Board specification. Platform Designer prompts you to upgrade any IP components that are incompatible with the Device family or Board that you specify.

Note: To get started quickly with the board-aware flow, refer to Using the Board-Aware Flow in Platform Designer.