Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 2/11/2025
Document Table of Contents

6.2.3. Designating a Default Agent

You can designate any agent in your Platform Designer system as the error response default agent. The default agent you designate provides an error response service for hosts that attempt access to an undefined memory region.
  1. In your Platform Designer system, in the System View tab, right-click the header and turn on Show Default Slave Column.
  2. Select the agent that you want to designate as the default agent, and then click the checkbox for the agent in the Default Slave column.
  3. In the System View tab, in the Connections column, connect the designated default agent to one or more hosts.
    Note: If you do not specify a value for the Default Slave option, and the Automate default slave insertion option is off, Platform Designer automatically assigns the AXI subordinate or Avalon agent in the system. Platform Designer automatically assigns the AXI subordinate or Avalon agent that has largest address span within the memory map for the issuing AXI manager or Avalon host. In the case of multiple, large AXI subordinates or Avalon agents that have the same address span, Platform Designer selects the AXI subordinate or Avalon agent at the lowest base offset.