Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 2/11/2025
Document Table of Contents

2.1.1. Create New BSP Dialog Box

The Create New BSP dialog box allows you to specify the following options to define a new BSP:

Table 35.  Create New BSP Dialog Box Settings
Name Description
BSP setting file Specifies the directory that contains the BSP settings file following BSP generation. By default:
  • <project>/software/hal_bsp/settings.bsp (HAL)
  • <project>/software/ucOS_bsp/settings.bsp (Micrium MicroC/OS-II)
System file (qsys or sopcinfo) Specifies an existing .qsys or .sopcinfo file that defines the target hardware platform for a Platform Designer system or other hardware design. Platform Designer generates the .qsys file at system or component creation, and the .sopcinfo file during HDL generation of the system.
CPU name Specifies the system CPU name if the System file defines a CPU, such as the Nios® II processor. If the System file does not define a CPU, this setting is read-only. If the System file defines more than one CPU, you can select the CPU for this BSP.
Operating System Specifies the operating system of the CPU name. The operating system can be either Altera HAL or Micrium MicroC/OS-II. The BSP file output corresponds to your selection. You cannot change the Operating system for an existing BSP. Rather, you must create a new BSP that specifies a new Operating System.
Use default locations Specifies whether BSP Editor uses default or custom file locations for the BSP target directory and BSP settings file storage. Disable this option to specify a custom location.
BSP target directory Specifies the directory that contains the BSP files following BSP generation. By default:
  • <project>/software/hal_bsp/ (HAL)
  • <project>/software/ucOS_bsp/ (Micrium MicroC/OS-II)
Enable additional Tcl script file Specifies an additional Tcl script (.tcl) that you can run to specify the BSP settings.