Nios® II Software Developer Handbook

ID 683525
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents

7.8. Using File Subsystems

The HAL generic device model for file subsystems allows access to data stored in an associated storage device using the C standard library file I/O functions. For example, the Intel FPGA read-only zip file system provides read-only access to a file system stored in flash memory.

A file subsystem is responsible for managing all file I/O access beneath a given mount point. For example, if a file subsystem is registered with the mount point /mnt/rozipfs, all file access beneath this directory, such as fopen("/mnt/rozipfs/myfile", "r"), is directed to that file subsystem.

As with character mode devices, you can manipulate files in a file subsystem using the C file I/O functions defined in file.h, such as fopen() and fread().

For more information about the use of file I/O functions, refer to the newlib C library documentation installed with the Nios II EDS. On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Intel FPGA > Nios® II <version> > Nios® II EDS <version> Documentation.