Nios® II Software Developer Handbook

ID 683525
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents

5.8. Specifying BSP Defaults

The Nios® II SBT sets BSP defaults using a set of Tcl scripts. These scripts specify default BSP settings. The scripts are located in the following directory:

< Nios® II EDS install path>/sdk2/bin

Table 22.  Default Tcl Script Components
Script Level Summary
bsp-set-defaults.tcl Top-level Sets system-dependent settings to default values.
bsp-call-proc.tcl Top-level Calls a specified procedure in one of the helper scripts.
bsp-stdio-utils.tcl Helper Specifies stdio device settings.
bsp-timer-utils.tcl Helper Specifies system timer device setting.
bsp-linker-utils.tcl Helper Specifies memory regions and section mappings for linker script.
bsp-bootloader-utils.tcl Helper Specifies boot loader-related settings.

For more information about Tcl scripting with the SBT, refer to the “Tcl Scripts for BSP Settings” chapter.

The Nios® II SBT uses the default Tcl scripts to specify default values for system-dependent settings. System-dependent settings are BSP settings that reference system information in the .sopcinfo file.

The SBT executes the default Tcl script before any user-specified Tcl scripts. As a result, user input overrides settings made by the default Tcl script.

You can pass command-line options to the default Tcl script to override the choices it makes or to prevent it from making changes to settings.

For more information, refer to the “Top Level Tcl Script for BSP Defaults” chapter.

The default Tcl script makes the following choices for you based on your hardware system:

  • stdio character device
  • System timer device
  • Default linker memory regions
  • Default linker sections mapping
  • Default boot loader settings

The default Tcl scripts use slave descriptors to assign devices.