R-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683501
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

6.4.1. Using the Hard IP Reconfiguration Interface to Enable and Read ECRC and LCRC Error Counts

Offset Bit Positions Register
x16 x8 x4
0x0000_0119 0x0000_0119 0x0000_0119 [0]



0x0000_036C 0x0000_032C 0x0000_02D4 [1:0] Set to 2'b11 to clear the counters.
[4:2] Set to 3'b111 to enable the counters.
0x0000_036D 0x0000_032D 0x0000_02D5 [7:0] Set to 0x00. Reserved.
0x0000_036E 0x0000_032E 0x0000_02D6 [7:0]

Event Number.

For LCRC error count, set to 0x01.

For ECRC error count, set to 0x02.

0x0000_036F 0x0000_032F 0x0000_02D7 [7:0]

Group Number.

For LCRC error count, set to 0x02.

For ECRC error count, set to 0x03.

0x0000_0370 0x0000_0330 0x0000_02D8 [7:0] Error counter data bits [7:0].
0x0000_0371 0x0000_0331 0x0000_02D9 [7:0] Error counter data bits [15:8].
0x0000_0372 0x0000_0332 0x0000_02DA [7:0] Error counter data bits [23:16].
0x0000_0373 0x0000_0333 0x0000_02DB [7:0] Error counter data bits [31:24].

Follow the steps below to access registers in the table above using the Hard IP reconfiguration interface:

  1. Enable the Hard IP reconfiguration interface using the IP Parameter Editor.
  2. Enable CRC checking in the register AER_CAP/ADV_ERR_CAP_CTRL_OFF.
  3. Set the group number and event number.
  4. Enable the counters.
  5. Read the counter data.

Below is an example to enable the counter for the LCRC:

  1. Enable the Hard IP reconfiguration interface using the IP Parameter Editor.
  2. Enable CRC checking by performing a read-modify-write to the ECRC_CHECK_EN field within the register AER_CAP/ADV_ERR_CAP_CTRL_OFF.
    1. p0_hip_reconfig_write = 1’b1
    2. p0_hip_reconfig_address[31:0] = 0x0000_0119
    3. p0_hip_reconfig_writedata[7:0] = 8'h01
  3. Perform read-modify-write to address 0x0000_036F to set Group Number to 0x2.
    1. p0_hip_reconfig_write = 1’b1
    2. p0_hip_reconfig_address[31:0] = 0x0000_036F
    3. p0_hip_reconfig_writedata[7:0] = 8'h02
  4. Perform read-modify-write to address 0x0000_036E to set Event Number to 0x1.
    1. p0_hip_reconfig_write = 1’b1
    2. p0_hip_reconfig_address[31:0] = 0x0000_036E
    3. p0_hip_reconfig_writedata[7:0] = 8'h01
  5. Perform read-modify-write to address 0x0000_036D with 0x0.
    1. p0_hip_reconfig_write = 1’b1
    2. p0_hip_reconfig_address[31:0] = 0x0000_036D
    3. p0_hip_reconfig_writedata[7:0] = 8'h00
  6. Perform read-modify-write to address 0x0000_036C to set Enable Event Counter.
    1. p0_hip_reconfig_write = 1’b1
    2. p0_hip_reconfig_address[31:0] = 0x0000_036C
    3. p0_hip_reconfig_writedata[7:0] = 8'h1C
  7. Read the error counter data by performing a read operation from registers 0x0000_0370, 0x0000_0371, 0x0000_0372, and 0x0000_0373.