Visible to Intel only — GUID: vwb1688655944767
Answers to Top FAQs
1. Introduction to Altera® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing
2. Determining System Requirements
3. Downloading Altera® FPGA Software
4. Installing Altera® FPGA Software
5. Licensing Intel® FPGA Software
6. Next Steps After Installing and Licensing the Software
A. Intel FPGA Software Installation and Licensing Archives
B. Document Revision History for Altera® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing
4.1. Installing Intel® FPGA Software Through Quartus® Prime Installer
4.2. Installing the Altera® FPGA Software Manually
4.3. Using the Same Installation Files on Multiple Systems
4.4. Managing Multiple Versions and Copies of Intel FPGA Software
4.5. Setting Quartus® Prime Environment Variables
4.6. Starting the Quartus® Prime Software
4.7. Updating Altera® FPGA Software
4.8. Installing and Uninstalling a Software Patch
4.9. Uninstalling Intel FPGA Software
4.10. Troubleshooting Installation Issues
5.1. Summary of Altera® FPGA Software Licenses Required
5.2. Evaluating the Quartus® Prime Software
5.3. Acquiring Free, No-Cost Licenses
5.4. Licensing Altera® FPGA Software Walkthrough
5.5. Getting Hardware Information for License
5.6. Using the Intel FPGA Self-Service Licensing Center
5.7. About Altera® FPGA Software License Files
5.8. Checking the IP License Status
5.9. Viewing IP Core License Data
5.10. Configuring the License Manager Server
5.11. Troubleshooting License File Issues
5.6.1. Using the License Assistant
5.6.2. Getting a License File with Your New Purchase
5.6.3. Viewing Licenses
5.6.4. Filtering Your Licenses
5.6.5. Viewing and Generating a Legacy License
5.6.6. Viewing Licenses or License Files Associated to a Computer
5.6.7. Regenerating a License File
5.6.8. Generating a Temporary Checkout License
5.6.9. Generating a Companion License
5.6.10. Renewing Your License
5.6.11. Managing a Computer Profile
5.6.12. Rehosting a License on a Different Computer
5.6.13. Rehosting All Licenses from Current Computer to a Different Computer
5.6.14. Rehosting Multiple/Partial Licenses from Current Computer to a Different Computer
5.6.15. Sharing a License with Another User
5.6.16. Adding Delegate Administrators to Your Licenses and Computers
5.6.17. Splitting Seats on Your License and Generating Licenses
5.6.18. Merging or Adding Seats on Your License and Generating License
5.6.19. Adding Floating Seats
5.6.20. Signing Up for an Evaluation or No-Cost License
5.6.21. Signing Up For an Employee License
5.10.1. Installing the FLEXlm License Manager Server Software on Another License Server
5.10.2. Upgrading the FLEXlm License Manager Server Software
5.10.3. (Windows Only) Starting and Stopping the License Server
5.10.4. (Windows Only) Starting the License Server Automatically
5.10.5. Rereading an Existing License File on a License Server
Visible to Intel only — GUID: vwb1688655944767
Ixiasoft Setting up a License File in the License Server
Perform the following steps in the license server:
- Save the license.dat file. The preferred location is:
- Windows*:
- Linux:
- Windows*:
- Identify the hostname of the license server.
- If the license server uses Windows*, specify the port number for the licensing manager.
- Choose a number outside of the 27000-28000 range, and unique on the machine.
In Linux systems, the FLEXlm license manager automatically chooses a free port between 27000 and 27009. - Modify the SERVER line in the license.dat file to include the hostname and port number of the license server.
SERVER <hostname> <8 or 12-character host or NIC ID> <host port number>
- Identify the path to the alterad vendor daemon executable. 4
- Windows*:
- Linux:
- Windows*:
- Optionally, identify the user-defined port numbers for the alterad daemons.
The FLEXlm software works with Internet firewalls that require you to specify port numbers in the license file on the SERVER line and each VENDOR or DAEMON line. The syntax to specify a port is PORT=<number>. Finally, you must allow firewall access to those port numbers.
- Modify the VENDOR line in the license.dat file to include the path to the alterad daemon 5 and the daemon's port number.
VENDOR alterad <path/to/alterad> [port=<user-defined port number>]
- If you are using a license file for the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software and/or Siemens EDA AXI BFMs, identify the path to the Siemens EDA* (formerly Mentor Graphics) vendor daemon executable saltd. 4
- (Optional) Identify the user-defined port numbers for the saltd daemon.
Allow firewall access to those port numbers.
- Modify the VENDOR line in the license.dat file to include the path to the saltd daemon5 and the daemon's port number.
VENDOR saltd <path/to/saltd> [port=<user-defined port number>]
Note: If the VENDOR line mentions mgcld, you must manually change it to saltd. mgcld is no longer supported in the Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition version 2024.1 and later.
When you complete all modifications, ensure the license file conditions are met.
Setting Up Floating Network Licenses on the License Server
The following example shows how to specify port numbers in a floating license file, where ports 1800, 1801, and 1802 provide access through a firewall.
SERVER myServer 0123456789ab 1800 VENDOR alterad ./alterad port=1801 VENDOR saltd ./saltd port=1802
With the modified license.dat file, you can set up the FLEXlm license manager on the license server, and finally start the license server.
4 If the license server does not provide the necessary vendor daemon, copy the required daemon from another machine, save the file in a location on the license server, and specify the daemon location on the license server in the license file.
5 If the server path has spaces in it, enclose the full path in quotation marks.