Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Getting Started

ID 683463
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Updating Entity Auto-Discovery

All editions of the Quartus® Prime and Quartus II software search your project directory for undefined entities. For example, if you instantiate entity “sub” in your design without specifying “sub” as a design file in the Quartus Settings File (.qsf), synthesis searches for sub.v, sub.vhd, and so on. However, Quartus® Prime Pro Edition performs auto-discovery at a different stage in the flow. Ensure that your RTL code accommodates these auto-discovery changes.
Table 22.  Entity Auto-Discovery Differences
Other Quartus Software Products Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
Always automatically searches your project directory and search path for undefined entities. Always automatically searches your project directory and search path for undefined entities. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition synthesis performs auto-discovery earlier in the flow than other Quartus software products. This results in discovery of more syntax errors. Optionally disable auto-discovery with the following .qsf assignment: set_global_assignment -name AUTO_DISCOVER_AND_SORT OFF