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Visible to Intel only — GUID: mwh1410471025218
Ixiasoft The cmdline Package
cmdline Package
package require cmdline variable ::argv0 $::quartus(args) set options { { "project.arg" "" "Project name" } { "frequency.arg" "" "Frequency" } } set usage "You need to specify options and values" array set optshash [::cmdline::getoptions ::argv $options $usage] puts "The project name is $optshash(project)" puts "The frequency is $optshash(frequency)"
If you save those commands in a Tcl script called print_cmd_args.tcl you see the following output when you type the following command at a command prompt.
Passing Command-Line Arguments for Scripts
quartus_sh -t print_cmd_args.tcl -project my_project -frequency 100MHz The project name is my_project The frequency is 100MHz
Virtually all Quartus® Prime Tcl scripts must open a project. You can open a project, and you can optionally specify a revision name with code like the following example. The example checks whether the specified project exists. If it does, the example opens the current revision, or the revision you specify.
Full-Featured Method to Open Projects
package require cmdline variable ::argv0 $::quartus(args) set options { \ { "project.arg" "" "Project Name" } \ { "revision.arg" "" "Revision Name" } \ } array set optshash [::cmdline::getoptions ::argv0 $options] # Ensure the project exists before trying to open it if {[project_exists $optshash(project)]} { if {[string equal "" $optshash(revision)]} { # There is no revision name specified, so default # to the current revision project_open $optshash(project) -current_revision } else { # There is a revision name specified, so open the # project with that revision project_open $optshash(project) -revision \ $optshash(revision) } } else { puts "Project $optshash(project) does not exist" exit 1 } # The rest of your script goes here
If you do not require this flexibility or error checking, you can use just the project_open command.
Simple Method to Open Projects
set proj_name [lindex $argv 0] project_open $proj_name