Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.5.1. Execution Example

To illustrate how automatic script execution works in a complete flow, assume you have a project called top with a current revision called rev_1, and you have the following assignments in the .qsf for your project.
set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE quartus_sh:first.tcl
set_global_assignment -name POST_MODULE_SCRIPT_FILE quartus_sh:next.tcl
set_global_assignment -name POST_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE quartus_sh:last.tcl

When you compile your project, the PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE assignment causes the following command to be run before compilation begins:

quartus_sh -t first.tcl compile top rev_1

Next, the Quartus® Prime software starts compilation with analysis and synthesis, performed by the quartus_syn executable. After the Analysis and Synthesis finishes, the POST_MODULE_SCRIPT_FILE assignment causes the following command to run:

quartus_sh -t next.tcl quartus_syn top rev_1

Then, the Quartus® Prime software continues compilation with the Fitter, performed by the quartus_fit executable. After the Fitter finishes, the POST_MODULE_SCRIPT_FILE assignment runs the following command:

quartus_sh -t next.tcl quartus_fit top rev_1

Corresponding commands are run after the other stages of the compilation. When the compilation is over, the POST_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE assignment runs the following command:

quartus_sh -t last.tcl compile top rev_1