Generic Serial Flash Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683419
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.6.2. Memory Operations

During flash memory access, the IP performs the following steps to allow you to perform any direct read or write operation:

  • Write enable for write operation
  • Check flag status register to make sure the operation has been completed at the flash
  • Release waitrequest signal when operation completed

Memory operations are Avalon® memory-mapped operations. You must set the correct address on the address bus, write data if it is write transaction, drive burst count bus 1 if single transaction or desired burst count value and trigger the write or read signal.

Note: For multiple flash device setup, the address bus is extended to include the chip select value.
Figure 2. 8-Word Write Burst Waveform Example
Figure 3. 8-Word Reading Burst Waveform Example
Figure 4. 1-Byte Write byteenable = 4’b0001 Waveform Example

There are two internal unconstrained clocks in the Generic Flash Serial Interface Intel® FPGA IP core when you compile your design in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software. Intel® recommends that you constraint the path by using the following command:

create_generated_clock -name <name_of_generated_clock> -source [get_ports <input_clock_name>] -divide_by 2 [get_registers <path_of_the_unconstrained_path>]