Visible to Intel only — GUID: cfw1615429330963
Visible to Intel only — GUID: cfw1615429330963
3.3. Simulating the Design Example
Generating tile files
The tile files are generated during the design example generation. Running Support-Logic Generation manually is not required before simulating the design example.
Tile files generation is a required step before simulation if you created your design with the F-Tile Avalon-ST IP for PCI Express from scratch. You can run Analysis & Elaboration on the Processing menu in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software to generate the F-Tile specific tiles file for your design. The Support-Logic Generation command runs automatically as part of the process.
A successful tile file generation results in the <IP_instance_name>__tiles.x files where x represents the necessary file extensions. The generated files are located in your project directory and contain the full netlist for simulation and synthesis.
- Run the simulation script under <example_design>/pcie_ed_tb/pcie_ed_tb/sim/<simulator> directory for the simulator of your choice. Refer to the table below.
- Analyze the results.