Hyperflex® Architecture High-Performance Design Handbook

ID 683353
Date 12/06/2024
Document Table of Contents

8.2.3. Resolving Short Paths

Retiming registers that are close to each other can potentially trigger hold violations at higher speeds. The following figure shows how a short path limits retiming.

Figure 151.  Short Paths Limiting RetimingIn this example, forward retiming pushes a register onto two paths, but one path has an available register for retiming, while the other does not.

In the circuit on the left, if register #1 retimes forward, the top path has an available slot. However, the lower path cannot accept a retimed register. The retimed register is too close to an adjacent used register, causing hold time violations. The Compiler detects these short paths, and routes the registers to longer paths, as shown in the circuit on the right. This practice ensures that sufficient slots are available for retiming.

The following two examples address short paths:

Case 1: A design runs at 400 MHz. Fast Forward compile recommends adding a pipeline stage to reach 500 MHz and a second pipeline stage to achieve 600 MHz performance.

The limiting reason is the short path / long path. Add the two-stage pipelining the Compiler recommends to reach 600 MHz performance. If the limiting reason is short path / long path again, this means the Router reaches a limitation fixing the short paths in the design. At this point you may have already reached your target performance, or this is no longer the critical path.

Case 2: A design runs at 400 MHz. Fast Forward compile does not make any recommendations to add pipeline stages.

If the short path / long path is the immediate limiting reason for retiming, this means that the Router reaches a limitation in trying to fix the short paths. Adding pipeline stages to the reported path does not help. You must optimize the design.

Retiming registers that are close to each other can potentially trigger hold violations at higher speeds. The Compiler reports this situation in the retiming report under Path Info. The Compiler also reports short paths if enough Hyper-Registers are not available. When nodes involve both a short path and a long path, adding pipeline registers to both paths helps with retiming.