DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents Visualization Features

When designing with DSP Builder advanced blockset, use the following visualization features of MATLAB and Simulink:

  • OutScope block. In addition to exporting data to work space for analysis, you can use the OutScope block to visualize a signal or multiple signals. The OutScope block probes and displays data on a wire or a bus relative to the time samples, which is useful when debugging your design.
  • OutputSpectrum block. You can also use the OutputSpectrum block, which displays the signal spectrum in real time, when your design has filtering or FFT.
  • Fixed-point toolbox. When dealing with bit growth and quantization, the fixed-point toolbox can be a valuable tool. You can even visualize the dynamic range of a signal by looking at the histogram of the signal.