DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 1/13/2025
Document Table of Contents

5.1. Creating an IP Design

Start DSP Builder in MATLAB.


  1. Type demo_firi at the MATLAB command prompt, which opens the FIR design example.
    Note: When you open a model, DSP Builder produces a model_name_params.xml file that contains settings for the model. You must keep this file with the model.
  2. From an open Simulink model click DSP Builder menu > New Model Wizard.
    Note: You must have a model open, before you use the DSP Builder menu.
  3. Specify the following New Model Settings:
    • Fixed
    • IP (simple)
    • my_firi
  4. Browse to an appropriate output directory.
  5. Click Generate.
  6. Edit the basic parameter values in setup_my_firi.m to match the equivalent settings in setup_demo_firi.m.
Simulate the design in MATLAB.