DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 1/13/2025
Document Table of Contents

2.8. Creating a New DSP Builder Design with the DSP Builder New Model Wizard

Intel recommends you create new designs with the DSP Builder New Model Wizard. Alternatively, you can copy and rename a design example.
Before you begin: Start DSP Builder in MATLAB.


  1. Click DSP Builder > New Model Wizard.
    The New Model Wizard opens.
  2. Select a fixed- or floating-point model.
  3. Select the type (simple or with channelizer).
  4. Enter the model name and select where to save the model.
  5. Click Generate.
    DSP Builder creates a new model <model name>.mdl and setup script setup_<model name>.m that contains everything you need for a DSP Builder model. DSP Builder automatically runs the set-up script when you open the model and before each simulation. To open and edit the script, double click the Edit Params block in the model.
    Note: When you open a model, DSP Builder produces a model_name_params.xml file that contains settings for the model. You must keep this file with the model.