Visible to Intel only — GUID: fxi1653557562694
Visible to Intel only — GUID: fxi1653557562694
51.5. Video Timing Generator IP Registers
Register | Offset | Access | Description |
Parameterization Registers |
VID_PID | 0x000 | RO | Read this register to retrieve the product ID |
VERSION | 0x004 | RO | Read this register to retrieve the version information for the IP. |
NUM_PULSES | 0x008 | RO | The number of additional output pulses generated by the Video Timing Generator. |
OUTPUT_IS_CV | 0x00c | RO | When 1, the output is legacy Intel Clocked Video. When 0, the output is a full-raster variant. |
ALIGNED_ONLY | 0x010 | RO | When 1, the raster is restricted such that all timing parameters for the raster must be integer multiples of the number of pixels in parallel. When 0, the timing parameters have no restrictions. |
NUMBER_OF_COLOR_PLANES | 0x014 | RO | The number of color planes per pixel. |
PIXELS_IN_PARALLEL | 0x018 | RO | The number of pixels per clock transferred on the AXI4-S buses. |
BPS | 0x01c | RO | The bits per video sample. |
HSIZE | 0x020 | RO | The number of bits to build the horizontal counters and comparators in the Video Timing Generator. Determines the maximum width of raster that the IP can generate. |
VSIZE | 0x024 | RO | The number of bits to build the vertical counters and comparators inside the Video Timing Generator. Determines the maximum height of raster that the IP can generate. |
CPU_CLK_FREQ_HZ | 0x028 | RO | The frequency, in Hz, of the processor interface clock. |
BUILD_HARD_FRAME_LOCK | 0x02c | RO | If true, the Video Timing Generator includes the hard frame lock function. If false, the Video Timing Generator cannot achieve a hard lock to an external reference. |
BUILD_SOFT_FRAME_LOCK | 0x030 | RO | If true, the Video Timing Generator includes the soft frame lock function. If false, the Video Timing Generator cannot achieve a soft lock to an external reference. |
BUILD_VRR | 0x034 | RO | If true, the Video Timing Generator includes the variable refresh rate. If false, the Video Timing Generator cannot generate a variable refresh rate. |
Register | Offset | Access | Description |
Raster Timing Registers |
REG_STATUS | 0x140 | RO | Reserved |
REG_COMMIT | 0x144 | RW | Update internal parameters with new video standard. |
REG_MODE | 0x148 | RW | Control mode of operation. |
REG_RESET_POS | 0x14c | RW | Expected position of the start of frame input signal, relative to the raster |
REG_TOTALS | 0x150 | RW | Total height and width of the raster |
REG_HB_END | 0x154 | RW | First active pixel of a line |
REG_V1B_POS | 0x158 | RW | Start and end of vertical blanking for field 1 |
REG_V2B_POS | 0x15c | RW | Start and end of vertical blanking for field 2 |
REG_FIELD_STARTS | 0x160 | RW | First lines of field 1 and 2 |
REG_HS_POS | 0x164 | RW | The start and end of horizontal sync |
REG_V1S_START | 0x168 | RW | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the vertical sync for field 1 |
REG_V1S_END | 0x16c | RW | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the vertical sync for field 1 |
REG_V2S_START | 0x170 | RW | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the vertical sync for field 2 |
REG_V2S_END | 0x174 | RW | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the vertical sync for field 2 |
REG_JITTER_CONT | 0x178 | RW | Timing parameters for the hard and soft frame locks |
REG_BLACK_0 | 0x17c | RW | The initial value of black for this color plane |
REG_BLACK_1 | 0x180 | RW 166 | The initial value of black for this color plane |
REG_BLACK_2 | 0x184 | RW 166 | The initial value of black for this color plane |
REG_BLACK_3 | 0x188 | RW 166 | The initial value of black for this color plane |
REG_FRAME_COUNTS | 0x18c | RO | Returns the total number of frames output, and the number of external frame starts received. |
REG_FRAME_LENGTH | 0x190 | RO | The number of video clocks between consecutive frame start input signals |
REG_VTOTAL_ADJ | 0x194 | RO 167 | The total height of the raster after adjustment for soft frame lock. |
REG_VID_FREQ | 0x198 | RO | The frequency of the video clock, in Hz. |
REG_GENLOCK_STATS0 | 0x19c | RO | Diagnostics for hard and soft frame lock |
REG_GENLOCK_STATS1 | 0x1a0 | RO | Diagnostics for soft frame lock. |
Pulse and Toggle Timing Registers |
REG_PULSE0_START | 0x1c0 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE0_END | 0x1c4 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE1_START | 0x1c8 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE1_END | 0x1cc | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE2_START | 0x1d0 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE2_END | 0x1d4 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE3_START | 0x1d8 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE3_END | 0x1dc | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE4_START | 0x1e0 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE4_END | 0x1e4 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE5_START | 0x1e8 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE5_END | 0x1ec | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE6_START | 0x1f0 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE6_END | 0x1f4 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
REG_PULSE7_START | 0x1f8 | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the start of the pulse |
REG_PULSE7_END | 0x1fc | RW 168 | The horizontal and vertical position of the end of the pulse |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Reserved | 31:0 | Rsvd | Reserved |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Commit | 0 | WO | Writing a 1 to this bit causes all uploaded processor parameters to be committed to the Video Timing Generators at the start of the next raster. |
VidClkRunning | 1 | RO | 1 indicates the video clock is running. 0 indicates the video clock is not running, or is unstable. |
UpdateTimingRequest | 2 | RO | 1 indicates the IP issues a commit, but is not completed. Ther commit logic has seen no start of raster. 0 indicates no commit is pending. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Frame Start is Pulse | 0 | RW | Sets the type of signal for the frame start input If 1, the input is a short pulse If 0, the input is a per-frame toggle |
Blank_n_Sync | 1 | RW | If 1, the IP generates blank timing If 0, the IP generates sync timing |
HardFrameLock | 2 | RW | If 1, the soft frame lock is false. If 0, the soft frame lock is true |
SoftFrameLock | 3 | RW | If 1, and the soft frame lock is false, soft frame lock is on. If 0, soft frame lock is off. |
VRR Enable | 4 | RW | If 1, variable refresh rate is on. If 0, variable refresh rate is off. |
VRR Line Mode | 5 | RW | If variable refresh rate is on, set to 1 to turn on the VVR Line Mode. If set to 0, VVR Line Mode is off. |
Reserved | 31:6 | RO | Reserved |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
hReset | hSize-1:0 | RW | The horizontal position, in pixels, of the expected frame start input signal |
vReset | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The vertical position, in lines, of the expected frame start input signal |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
hTotal | hSize-1:0 | RW | The width, in pixels, of the raster |
vTotal | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The height, in lines, of the raster |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
HB_END | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first active pixel after the horizontal blanking. |
Reserved | 32:hSize | RO | Reserved |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
V1B Start | vSize-1:0 | RW | The first line of vertical blanking for field 1 |
V1B End | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first active line of field 1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
V2B Start | vSize-1:0 | RW | The first line of vertical blanking for field 2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
V2B End | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first active line of field2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Field 1 Start | vSize-1:0 | RW | The first line of field 1 |
Field 2 End | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of field 2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
HSync Start | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the horizontal sync |
HSync End | 15+hSize:16 | RW | The first pixel after the horizontal sync |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
V1Sync hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the vertical sync for field 1 |
V1Sync vStart | 15+hSize:16 | RW | The first line of the vertical sync for field 1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
V1Sync hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel after the vertical sync for field 1 |
V1Sync vEnd | 15+hSize:16 | RW | The last line of the vertical sync for field 1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
V2Sync hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the vertical sync for field 2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
V2Sync vStart | 15+hSize:16 | RW | The first line of the vertical sync for field 2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
V2Sync hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel after the vertical sync for field 2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
V2Sync vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the vertical sync for field 2 For a progressive raster, set to -1 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Frame Start Max Jitter | 7:0 | RW | The number of video clock cycles either side of the position of the expected start of frame where an occurrence of the frame start input signal does not cause the raster to restart. If the frame start input signal occurs more than this number of video clock cycles from the point where it is expected, the IP restarts the output raster. |
Soft lock frame start ignore | 15:8 | RW | When you select True for Soft frame lock, this parameter specifies the number of lines where the frame start input signal is ignored. When you select True for Soft frame lock, this parameter is not used. |
Soft lock frame start adjust | 23:16 | RW | When you select True for Soft frame lock, this parameter specifies the total number of lines for soft lock, including the ignore lines. When you select False for Soft frame lock, this parameter is not used. |
Reserved | 31:24 | RO | Reserved |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
BLACK_0 | BIT_DEPTH-1:0 | RW | The initial value of black for this color plane |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
BLACK_1 | BIT_DEPTH-1:0 | RW | The initial value of black for this color plane This register is RO and returns 0x1234abcd if the color plane does not exist |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
BLACK_2 | BIT_DEPTH-1:0 | RW | The initial value of black for this color plane This register is RO and returns 0x1234abcd if the color plane does not exist |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
BLACK_3 | BIT_DEPTH-1:0 | RW | The initial value of black for this color plane This register is RO and returns 0x1234abcd if the color plane does not exist |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Start Counter | 15:0 | RO | Counts occurrences of the Frame Start Input Signal. |
Frame Counter | 31:16 | RO | Counts number of frames generated. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Frame Length | hSize+vSize-1:0 | RO | The number of video clocks per occurrence of the frame start input signal. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
vTotal_Adj | vSize-1:0 | RO | The total number of lines per frame used by the soft frame lock. |
Reserved | 31:vSize | RO | Reserved. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
VidClkFreq | 31:0 | RO | The frequency of the video clock, in Hz. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Reset Count | 15:0 | RO | Counts the number of times the raster is reset by the frame start signal. Normally static and only increments when the output standard is changed. If this value is constantly incrementing, it suggests the period of the frame start signal does not match the period of the output raster. |
Stable Count | 31:16 | RO | This increments every time the soft frame lock mechanism does not change the vTotal_adj value. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
vTotal Inc Counter | 15:0 | RO | Increments every time the soft frame lock mechanism increments the vTotal_adj value. |
vTotal Dec Counter | 31:16 | RO | Increments every time the soft frame lock mechanism decrements the vTotal_adj value. |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 0 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse |
Pulse 0 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 0 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 0 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 1 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse 169 |
Pulse 1 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 1 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 1 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 2 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse 169 |
Pulse 2 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 2 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 2 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 3 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse 169 |
Pulse 3 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 3 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 3 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 4 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse 169 |
Pulse 4 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 4 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 4 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 5 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse 169 |
Pulse 5 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 5 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 5 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 6 hStart | hSize-1:0 | RW | The first pixel of the pulse 169 |
Pulse 6 vStart | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The first line of the pulse 169 |
Name | Bits | Attribute | Description |
Pulse 6 hEnd | hSize-1:0 | RW | The last pixel of the pulse. 169 |
Pulse 6 vEnd | 15+vSize:16 | RW | The last line of the pulse. 169 |
This register is RO and returns 0x1234abcd if the color plane does not exist.
If Soft Mode is off, this register is undefined.
This register is RO and returns 0x1234abcd if the pulse does not exist. Refer to Build Parameter tab Number of pulses
This register is RO and returns 0x1234abcd if the pulse does not exist. Refer to the Build Parameter tab Number of pulses